The Great Thing About a Small Town

We live in a small town in central Kansas and let me tell you that while there are some draw backs there are many wonderful things about it.  Yes we live 30 miles from a “big” town where there is a Target, a movie theatre, restaurants that are not considered fast food, craft supply store, etc…  And while this may seem inconvenient, let me tell you about our great little town.  This is a town where people wave to each other, every body knows your name (or knows you as “so and so’s” mom).  You can feel safe if your kids want to play in the yard after dinner while you clean up the kitchen.  Your neighbor is available to help you out or provide a cup of sugar. 

In our little town every fall there are some things that just kick up that little town feeling a notch.  Always in conjunction with fire safety week our Volunteer, yes you read that right, Volunteer fire department host fire truck rides for the kids in the community.  All these great guys and their spouses and kids come together to teach all the children about fire safety.  They open the doors wide on the fire house and invite everyone in.  No one is turned away and all through town you can hear the laughter mixed with the sirens of the fire trucks as they drive up and down the streets of town giving rides to the kids and their families.  These are men and women who already worked a full day but are still willing to give up their evening for the kids.  Not to mention that these same brave men drop every thing when the call goes out that there is a fire in the community to help put it out for next to no compensation.   They do it because it is the right thing to do and because they have a strong sense of responsibility to our community.  

As is tradition we attended the fire truck rides.  This was Rozalin’s first time but Cooper of course has done the ride several times.  He was excited and a little nervous.

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We look forward to many more years of fire truck rides in our future.  And a great big thanks to these great men who volunteer their time for the rides and to help protect our community.



Posted in Cooper, Fall, Rozalin | Leave a comment

First Day of Pre-K


This year Cooper is attending Pre-K which is a cross between kindergarten and preschool.  So far he is loving it. 


So this was his serious picture.


And the crazy picture. 



Then a serious picture with his best friend Logan.



And a crazy picture.

I hope that he continues to enjoy school.



Posted in Cooper | Leave a comment

Proud to Announce…

For years I have enjoyed sewing a crafty for myself, friends and family.  During that time I have been told often that I need to open a store to start selling my products.  And for years I have had the dream to make money from the products that I enjoy sewing.  This spring I was finally realized that dream.  I spent a big chunk of the spring sewing and at the first of the month I launched my online Etsy store Icing On Fabric.  You may also have noticed that I also changed the title of my blog. 

I also made a few products for a boutique that my aunt runs during a women’s conference. 

Eyeglass Cases

Sunglass/Eyeglass cases.  Perfect to protect your eye wear in your purse, beach bag, gym bag or your car’s console.  I always have one in my purse and one in the console of my car. 


Extra small zipped pouches.  There are lots of ways to use these zipped pouches: keep your ear buds in them to keep them from being tangled in the bottom of your purse or gym bag; coin purse; use to manage gift cards and store loyalty cards; throw your debit card and id in for a night on the town.  The possibilities are endless. 


I also whipped up some kitchen towels in black, red and white color scheme to go with the them and color pallet of the conference. 


Finally some daisy tea towels. 

I am thrilled to have my shop up and running and am working on new products everyday.  Please feel free to check in anytime to see new listings.  If you need anything special let me know I am happy to work up a custom product to meet your needs. 

You can follow me on Facebook at:  I will post shop updates there also. 

Please check it out and let me know what you think!



Posted in Crafting, Etsy, Icing on Fabric, Sewing, Shopping | 1 Comment


I happened to catch Cooper and Rozalin at play the other day and I just had to chuckle. 


Rozalin seems to think that all of Coopers farm toys are ride on toys and the hay wagon was no exception. 


Cooper was very accommodating and pushed the tractor around to give her a little ride.


He however lost interest before Rozalin did.  She would have ridden in the tractor all day.

I am thrilled that he is such a good big brother to his little sister and as far as she is concerned he is the greatest ever.

Posted in Cooper, Rozalin | 2 Comments

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